Cotton Farming: Soil Preparation and Sowing Methods

Cotton Farming: Soil Preparation and Sowing Methods

Financial Calculations

  • Total Crop Cost: ₹39,952 per acre
  • Total Income: ₹1,25,000 per acre
  • Net Profit: ₹85,048 per acre

Cotton Crop Calendar



Soil Preparation and seed treatment

Do soil testing before sowing. Treat seeds before sowing.

Sowing Time

Start sowing cotton at the beginning of monsoon season. 

Crop Management

Use fertilizers and pesticides.


Harvest based on crop maturity.


Note: Choose the sowing month according to your state's climate and harvest based on crop maturity.


  1. Bt Cotton 1: Early maturing variety, resistant to bacterial blight and leaf curl, yield - 10-12 quintals per acre.
  2. Bt Cotton 2: Resistant to bollworm and Spodoptera, yield - 12-14 quintals per acre.
  3. JK 4: Medium maturing variety, yield - 9-11 quintals per acre.
  4. Hybrid 10: Hybrid variety, yield - 11-13 quintals per acre.
  5. Shankar 6: Late maturing variety, yield - 10-12 quintals per acre.

Cultivation Practices




Sow cotton in fertile soil which has good drainage facilities.

pH: 6.0-8.0  

Plough the field 2-3 times and apply well-decomposed farm yard  manure.


Warm and dry climate is suitable.

Average Temperature: 21°C to 30°C  

Annual Rainfall: 85-110 cm

Sowing Time

From the end of June to the beginning of July.

Seed Rate

Desi Varieties: 3 kg per acre  

Hybrid Varieties: 1.5-2 kg per acre  

Bt Cotton: 5 kg per acre (4 kg Bt cotton seed and 1 kg non-Bt cotton seed)  

Note: Always remember while sowing Bt cotton sow  20% of non-Bt cotton around all corners of the field.


Before sowing if required delint the seeds.

For delinting, take 100 g commercial grade concentrated sulphuric acid for 1 kg cotton seeds in an earthen or plastic container

 (don't use wooden or metallic container) by stirring it vigrously for 2-3 minutes with the help of a stick.

Add 10 litres of water after fuzz gets dissolved.

Stir well and drain out water through a perforated basket.

Dip washed seed for 1 minute in Sodium bicarbonate solution (12.5 g Sodium bicarbonate in 2.5 litres of water).

Wash the seeds again and remove all the light,damaged and rootten seeds.

Do shade drying of seeds.

Always wear gloves while delinting of seeds.

Seed Treatment

To protect the crop from fungal diseases, treat per kg seed with 2 grams of Carbendazim or 2 grams of Thiram. To protect the crop from sucking pests, treat per kg seed with 5 grams of Imidacloprid 70 WS or 7 grams of Thiamethoxam 25 WG.

Fertilizer Management

Use nutrients based on soil testing results.  

Urea: 60 kg per acre 

Single Super Phosphate: 90 kg per acre 

Muriate of Potash: 25 kg per acre



Desi Cotton: 45-60 x 15-22.5 cm 

Hybrid Cotton: 120-150 x 60-90 cm 

Sow seeds at a depth of 5 cm.

Water Management

This crop requires 6-7 irrigations. Irrigate based on soil moisture and local weather conditions.

Weed Management

Within 0-3 days of sowing, spray weedicide 

Mix 1.5 liters of Pendimethalin 30 EC or 1 kg Diuron 80 WP or 1 liter Oxadiargyl 25 EC in 200 liters of water and spray it in one acre area. 

If weed population is high, mix 300-400 ml Quizalofop ethyl 5 EC or 250-300 ml Pyrithiobac sodium 10 EC in 250-300 liters of water and spray it in one acre area after 20-25 days of sowing.


Pick fully opened and matured bolls. After picking the cotton immediately shade dry it to avoid colour and quality loss. 

Care should be taken while picking to avoid the mixing of cotton. Keep it separately variety wise.


Yield varies based on variety, soil quality, and rainfall. The average cotton yield is 11-13 quintals per acre.

Disease Management

  1. Wilt
  • Symptoms: Yellowing and drying of the leaves, wilting of the plant.
  • Control: Mix 1 kg Trichoderma viride with 20 kg well-decomposed cow dung manure and broadcast over one acre.
  1. Bacterial Blight
  • Symptoms: Red lesions on the leaves, stems, and bolls, water soaked spots on the leaves.
  • Control: Mix 6 gm streptocycline in 120 liters of water and spray it in one acre area.
  1. Root Rot
  • Symptoms: Drying and premature falling of the leaves, rotting of the roots,wilting of the plant.
  • Control: Mix 1.5-2 grams metalaxyl-M 4% + mancozeb 64% WP in 1 liter water and do soil drenching.
  1. Alternaria Leaf Spot
  • Symptoms: Small, light brown irregular spots on the leaves , premature drying and falling of the leaves .
  • Control: Mix 200 ml Hexaconazole 5 EC or 400-600 gm Mancozeb 75 WP in 200 liters of water and spray it in one acre area.

Pest Management

  1. Whitefly
  • Symptoms: Presence of honeydew on the leaves, curling of the leaves, plant growth is stunted.
  • Control: Mix 60 gm Dinotefuran 20 SG or 20 gm Flonicamid 50 WG or 80 gm Spirotetramat 50 WG in 200 liters of water and spray it in one acre area.
  1. Pink Bollworm
  • Symptoms: Cuts on the leaves, holes on the bolls.
  • Control: Mix 80 gm Emamectin benzoate 5 SG or 220 ml Cypermethrin 10 EC or 200 ml Fenvalerate 20 EC in 200 liters of water and spray it in one acre area.
  1. Thrips
  • Symptoms: Leaf margins turn into red colour, surface appears silvery, downward curling of the leaves.
  • Control: Mix 170 ml Spinetoram 11.7 SC or 400 ml Profenofos 50 EC or 240 grams Diafenthiuron 50 WP mixed in 200 liters of water per acre.
  1. American Bollworm
  • Symptoms: Cuts on the leaves, holes appear on the bolls and leaves.
  • Control: Mix 60 ml spinosad 45 SC or 200 ml Indoxacarb 14.5 SC or 60 ml Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC in 200 liters of water and spray it in one acre area. 
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